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Amnell (Offline)
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01-06-2008, 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
No, I told you I do get lumps. Mostly on the shins, but they are really just swelling from hard bangs. I have never had them, or seen them on anyone else, collect at the joints. The lumps I always get are just fluid, they just dissolve.

Tell me, do you know they collect from experience, or are you going on what others have said. And is it possible you are wrong, and they can be caused by something else?

The only case I can think I have seen a lump in someones wrist is first with my mother, she is old and has a few body problems like this. And second with some piss head that used ta work at the supermarket with me. Niether do martial arts... Well, I doubt my Moms Tai Chi in the morn constitutes what we are talking about... These lumps could be caused by something else, you think?
I think he's talking about calcium deposits that form from repeated blows to the same places. People that break bricks with their hands tend to get these on their knuckles.

The lumps aren't in the skin, they're in the bone. And they don't typically go away. It's literally extra bone.

What Tenchu is talking about is more like a bruise--everyone gets those just from taking a good knock.


I've never heard of recieving lumps or infections just from a fight, as you guys were discussing, either. However, I do know that you can develop calcium deposits on the knuckles and, if you're not careful, the wrists and even elbows for high impact training like brick breaking. If what I saw on Human Weapon holds true, then Muay Thai practitioners should theoretically develop such deposits from their training on the outside of the elbows (not actually in the joint), the forearms, and the shins because those areas are used frequently for striking. If done properly, you should ultimately have a fairly even layer of calcium buildup all along the limb, not just in one spot.

Btw, Tony Jaa f'n rules. (Ong Bak, the Thai Warrior--awesome movie)

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.

Last edited by Amnell : 01-06-2008 at 05:15 AM.
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