Originally Posted by Amnell
Each of which has a different connotation and denotation. Example: discuss means to have a real discussion on a topic between two or more people where everyone speaks; imply is when you make a suggestion with your words without actually speaking out loud what it is you are suggesting.
There are a lot of things like that in English--I'm sure Japanese is no different. Feel free to ask! I never took any AP classes in English like retrogamer did, but I did have better written English than my English teachers at the end of high school--even if he did speak better English >_< . (Actually, learning a foreign language really helps you to understand your own, I found out--I was taking Spanish and English classes at the same time, and I think that's why my English skills got to be how they are)
Probably,I know different like that between discuss and imply and don't know different among declare,state,announce etc.
by the way,I also think learning foreign language is to know myself or own culture.I study a little French now by myself and have a question of different between boths.
French can add a question mark "?" to a declarative sentence,which is grammatical proper sentence.
In English,I am guessing the form of declarative sentence is used as something like interrogative is few?
For example,
you may tell me,or might as well tell me..
I don't hit upon another word....