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filiadragongurl (Offline)
Japan Extraordinaire
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01-06-2008, 08:26 PM

Even though you already have an answer, I thought I'd give my input too since I flew in Sept. '06... So I went to Japan for study abroad and I went to the airport in Osaka, but I imagine it's quite similar. The only thing I remember clearly (other than walking through halls and walking out into the main airport) is waiting in a line and showing my passport to someone sitting in a booth. They just checked it out and stamped it, no big deal, no questions or anything. I hear they recently started doing a finger print thing now for any foreigner who goes into Japan. It's just to make sure you are who you say you are and you haven't been "banned for life" from Japan previously (which I guess they do sometimes...)

Anyway, the point is, it's no big deal and it will be super obvious what to do once you're there. Usually people who work in the airports know English quite well in case you need to ask something.
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