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Hyakushi (Offline)
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01-07-2008, 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Wow... you sound SO enlightened there. <sarcasm>

Fighting is a path to spiritual enlightenment? Give me a break. Martial arts builds character and instill some sound philosophies, I'll give you that. But you know what? So does playing team sport such as soccer or rugby build character.

As for your assessment of my ability? You're right about one thing. I only train in martial arts 2-3 times a week. Any more than that would be a waste of time to me. You see, I cross train. That is I also run, swim and lift weights. I train in martial arts (at the moment Karate and Muay Thai) because it's fun and it's good for you.

If you ask me, the path to "enlightenment" is to be well-rounded and open-minded.

"Style fanatics" like you simply look like idiots. You lull yourself into a false sense of security by kidding yourself into thinking that your martial art is THE way. All you've really done is set yourself up in your own little world.
If you only practise Martial arts 2-3 times a week then you wouldn't match up against a person who has been training there life time. In places people choose what they want to be but then there are those who don't have money or even people there to support them. My school was poor >_< so we didn't have that many extra cericular activity, only P.E. (Which we only took for one year) and weight trianing. Of course it wasn't the best but everyone did what they could with it.
Martial arts does have a spiritual path but its only up to the student to obey them or not, no one is forcing you to do something you don't want to do. I found a Job in martial arts but if I had enough money to go to colledge then I would have proubly been another ass sitting at home thinking my life is the hardest in the world. If you only stay in one place all your life then you don't see anything clearly as you should, after joining the military I finally got my colledge degree along with my masters degree.
So if you think martial arts has no morals then its only you who has no morals.

I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
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