Originally Posted by SSJup81
I don't get it. What's there not to understand? The basic story is that some evil guy wants to destroy the earth or universe, and the world's strongest fighters (or in the case of DBZ, "fighter" since no matter what, Goku always saves the day, not counting the Cell Saga) have to take care of it, for the most part to drive said enemy off.
I still like Dragon Ball than Dragon Ball Z. I would rate it, based on this poll...
Dragon Ball > Sailor Moon > Dragon Ball Z, but of course, since DB isn't in the poll, SM wins it for me. lol
Ah-HAH!!!!! Thank you so much SSJup81!!! SSJup81 has just found the connection between SM and DBZ. Although two totally different styles, they have a similar story line. There's a bad guy that's trying to take over and the "world's strongest fighters have to take care of it." DBZ has it's villans that fight against Goku and SM has it's villans that fight against Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Scouts. Get it, got it, done with!
So no more asking why we're comparing the two!!!