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(#19 (permalink))
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SweetSuicide (Offline)
\m/ Rock hard love harder
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02-01-2007, 10:59 PM

Raian and I woke up the next morning to see that Myzura was gone. Like completely vanished off the face of the earth, again. We called her name over and over again and then I realized that something bad could happen to her or even us if someone, anyone heard us.

"We have to get out of here NOW!" I told Raian. He probably had no clue how much danger we had just put ourselves in.

"I'm not leaving until we find Myzura. I lost her once and I don't want to lose her again. I love her and even if she doesn't love me back, I am willing to fight, even DIE for her." Raian was serious. He told me he loved her 11 years ago. That boy couldn't be more in love with anyone else.

"Raian, listen to me. We need to get out of here before anyone finds us. I'm.... ummm.... kinda not suppost to be alive right now. If anyone finds out that I still walk this Earth, I'm dead." I didn't feel like explaing why to Raian but I knew he'd ask later on, so I was going to wait until he asked me about it.

We started walking to Waretown. It was only a town away but it had a train that still ran every other day. Today was one of the days it was coming through. We ran to the station and hopped onto the train right as it was about to leave. We had no idea where it was going and we had no idea where Myzura was. Was she dead? Was she captured? I kept thinking of how she dissapeared 11 years ago. She just walked out and left. Left everything and everyone she loved. But, I did the same too... Why was she doing it again?

**Hope ya don't mind but I had to write more... I'm gettin way to into this now lol**

Life goes on.
But I'm gone.
Cause I'll die without you.
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