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SovereignEvil (Offline)
J'aime l'esprit foncé
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01-08-2008, 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by Godzirra View Post
I dislike that people label his music as gothic when it's far from the true form of gothic music.
Agreed, his music is not gothic, but according to both me, himself and many fans his music is labeled as "gothic industrial metal" (along with a couple of other genres for some songs), so there's some truth in it. Manson himself on the other hand is a kind of goth I believe, even if his music is not totally, and a very dirty one he is.

Much love for Manson, and I don't really care if others don't like him. If everyone did I would be bored to death to be a fan. I adore his music and admire his intelligence, and hate all the prejudices and lies that people have against him. I had those prejudices first, but that was before I really listened to his music and watched him in interviews and live on stage. People don't have to like him, just know the true Manson, then I'd be much more happy.

He has inspired me much, both in lyrical and poetic text and in my view towards the government, not just the US, but all governments. His style inspires the photos I snap too, to that morbid and sometimes erotic mood. Also, he is one of the main sources where I discovered that I was bi-sexual (I mean, c'mon, he's friggin' hawt!).

People shouldn't look down on his latest album, EAT ME, DRINK ME, I mean, it's definately not one of his best works, it goes far down in the ranking list among all his albums, at least for me, but seriously, it was not total crap. Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery and You And Me And The Devil Makes 3 has lots of his previous morbid style left in it, and If I Was Your Vampire, The Red Carpet Grave and Evidence weren't too bad either.

Oh, and everyone who label his music as emo can go to Hell.
Nah, but seriously, I hate people who label his music totally wrong, especially as emo.

May that antichrist superstar b*tch live long!

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