Originally Posted by Jawful
This also applies to ぶ and ぬ verbs
む-verbs:読む(よむ)→読んだ(よんだ) read → read (past)
ぶ-verbs:遊ぶ(あそぶ)→遊んだ(あそんだ) play → played
ぬ-verbs:死ぬ(しぬ)→死んだ(しんだ) die → died
Keep in mind the kanji isn't what's important. The ending is. Look into て-forms of vebs. It's directly related. All of these words also go to で for the て-form. (読んで、遊んで、死んで)If you haven't studied て-form yet, it'll all make sense once you have. Good luck with your study.
I have studied Te form,XD I've been seeing these a lot but never ask, thanks for clearing it up ~