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JF Ossan
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01-10-2008, 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by Amnell View Post
That's why you go through and pick out the kanji that you like. I wouldn't recommend going and selecting random symbols, no. The two websites that I linked to kinda do that, hence I called them "fun little shortcuts" or something like that. If you really want to select good kanji for your name, you need to go through a really good dictionary and look at the meanings of each one.

In searching for kanji for a friend's name, I actually found I was able to construct a phrase--something I hadn't been able to do with my own >_< . It was a little icky, though, so.... I thought it was funny XD .

Anyway, the most I was able to do with my own name--and I would expect to be the extent to most gaijin names--was to select meanings that fit a theme or each seperately said something about one's personality (at least, how one percieves one's self :P ) . As a semantic unit, it might be gibberish, sure, but we're not trying to create a poem of meaning with our names.

a demon, spirit.....charm, enchant(ment)...a dream, vision



It's not that hard. That took me less than five minutes. Given an hour, I might be able to find something better.

I appreciate your effort, but here is a great example why Japanese Kanji are for Japanese names.

You came up with Ma Mi Mu demon/charm/dream.

well 魔魅 itself is already a word, meaning "a deceptive or deceitful spirit" leaving on it's own, so it might be read mu, or maybe bou or maybe yume.

It's fun to play around with those websites if you like, but you are playing around with another country's culture.

I would guess 魔魅夢 was the name of a VK band...never the name of a person. It's bad luck to have negative kanji in your name, and I think "deceitful spirit" qualifies there.

If I wanted to write MMM in Japanese I would write MMM or エム・エム・エム.

Don't get me wrong, I am not calling anyone bad or crazy for trying this, but just don't take it seriously, or you will be disappointed or worse.
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