Originally Posted by Tenchu
That is why I said you dont know what respect an honor are. Respect is not something you give, it is something you are.
Hmm... I thought respect was something you earn. Pulling a gun on me doesn't earn you my respect. Nor does bashing on my people, for that matter -_-; .
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I wasnt being anti American, I was being honest. Half the fucken world hates you, do you not understand that? Are you going to hate them all back? And where exactley are you heading in your life? Some great fuckin quest of enlightenment you are on. You are an arrogant little girl who cant see the difference between simple things.
Oh, sure, you were being honest. Fine. Yes, we understand "half the fucken world" hates us. And you know what? That's fine. They hate us? It's probably because they don't have half the shit we have. And truth be told, you ask most people in the West, they will say they hate "American Leadership", not "America". And no, I don't hate them back. I'm sorry for them because they are not as fortunate as I was to have been born in a place that is as nice as America or any of the European countries (even if they are socialized over there :P ) . I'm not on a quest of enlightenment. After arguing with you, I'm pretty sure I've already been enlightened. My goals in life are to be the best person I can be. And I'm not an arrogant little girl, btw. I happen to be an adult and am NOT a girl. (There, it's out, for the first time since I started using this sn XD ) .
Originally Posted by Tenchu
think the one thing you will hear, if they can even bring themselves to talk about it, is they were darn scared.
You... just repeated me... That's the second time, now. You did the same thing in the Gaijin get out thread....
My point, since you obviously didn't get it, is that every warrior confronts death, and every good warrior overcomes. All those kids that stormed Normandy or Iwo Jima or whatever, or the kids that run out of the trenches, all had to contend with the idea that as soon as they run out, they are very likely to die. And they did it anyway. And know what? None of them (except the Japanese soldiers in WW2) knew a thing about Bushido. None of them obsessed about death. None of them dwelled on death to get an "iron heart" or whatever it's called. Yet they overcame their fear of death ANYWAY. That's called bravery, and it is about the most honourable thing I can think of.
Your view that you HAVE to follow Bushido or idolize death to be a "true warrior" is so incredibly narrow-minded I could shit myself laughing. It's asinine. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Bushido. It's your apparent lack of acceptance of other possibilities that has me in wriles.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Dont talk about something you know nothing about.
Likewise. Stop talking about America or its people. Such arrogance.... *shakes head*

We done?
Gr, looks like a paragraph got eaten by the internet gremlins :P
Originally Posted by Tenchu
A soldier does a job. That is why there is no "way" of the Warrior nowdays. You do your job, you get paid. It is like working at 7 eleven. The shit you are learning at your local club is for disrespectful cowards who afraid for their life and want to live, so they will do anything to stay alive.
A soldier does a job. Well, what was the job of the Bushi? Protect the Lord. Big difference there! Protect the lord, protect your country.... Hmm... Oh! And Samurai were paid, weren't they? Especially Ronin. Eh..?
My "local club" teaches all the shit that anyone who wants to be an effective and devestating fighting would want to know. Modern militaries the world over use cruise missiles because they can be launched from beyond the reach of the enemy. It's the same principle as parrying a strike to your opponent's inside so that you can strike but they can't.
I'm not afraid for my life. I don't fear for my life. I fight for my life. If I lose it, I died trying to preserve it. I won't allow myself to be killed so easily. My life is precious. And I have a natural right to my own life. I won't let anyone interfere with it, I won't let anyone threaten it. My life, having it be the best it can for me, is my ultimate goal in life. I won't let anyone else get in my way.
This is my philosophy (and that of many other people): Every man has his life and is entitled to live it how he sees fit. To live a great life is the ultimate achievement. Therefore, live every day how you want your whole life to be (not unlike Bushido, no?). No man has any right to the life of another man; he must live his OWN life for HIMSELF. He cannot demand that another man give over part or all of his life for His own personal gain. By the same reasoning, no other man has a right to the first man's life.
No one may ask me to commit seppuku on their behalf. No one may threaten me or my existence; I will fight back. No one may infringe upon my rights without due consequence.
For me, it's not about "staying alive". It's about protecting what is mine by right: my own life. Threatening my life is a threat against my rights, and I will NOT stand for it.