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01-10-2008, 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Seriously... enough with the "dick measuring".
I don't think anyone has said anything here that experience alone can account for.
And stop trying to hold our training (or your perceived lack of it) against us. At the moment I think the topic is the role of martial arts in the context of life in general. I don't think your (supposedly) more advanced ability and experience IN the martial arts makes you automatically more qualified to speak than any of us regarding this topic.
Well I do teach Tea Kwon Do and soon I will be teaching Ninustue in the military, alot of younger people are coming in thinking battle is like a video game. They talk exactly like you kids on this site but they don't last long in battle cause of there state of mind. Ronin I'm not trying to be demanding of your intell, to me your just repeating what we all know already but what I am saying is we all grew up in different times. We train differently and so, people with more experience know more its just common sense . Thinking about something is way easier than actually doing what you say your going to do.
Like Amnell, she said she would defend herself but not kill the guy. So what if she drop kicks him and he hits his head against a counter or a table in her home. The brain is defencless and so he dies.
When you guys actually grow up and start seeing things from another point of veiw then you will know there are many ways to go exsept from forward and back.
I was only asking how long you guys have been practicing not competitively, I mean why be competitive on a computer? Hahahahahahahahaha thats just stupid Hahahahahahahaha.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.