01-10-2008, 09:21 PM
I love clamp!!! right now I'm soo into xxxholic**yuko-sama is so amazing** I've read almost all there mangas, and they did the character designs for Geuss**I forgot the spelling**Lulu is so hot.
and X/1999 I love that manga soo much and the anime**Kamui was so hot** and legual drugs**little yaoiish behavior in it** oh and Cardcapter sakura**tora and yukito made such a cute couple**
And their story plots are amazing too.
ViCe PrEz Of ThE ZeRo LuVeRs ClUb My JF Family ~+MeMbEr Of ThE vAmPiRe ClAn+~ **Owner of Zero-sama **
Last edited by shoujobeat : 01-10-2008 at 09:32 PM.