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(#343 (permalink))
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phishn37 (Offline)
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Location: USA
01-11-2008, 03:43 AM

A lot of people are saying that they don't like it when people say anime is childish, but I don't really think that's the problem. Some anime is childish, and is intended to be. The problem is that lots of people think that all anime is childish or the same thing as American cartoons. Although, I convined a few friends of mine that some anime is a lot like The Simpsons: animated, but still funny and mature.

That said, some people won't like anime, and that is that. A lot of otaku (I do consider myself one, by the way ~ !) are very personally offended when someone says they don't like anime. And while it is true that most of the people who say that don't know a thing about anime, it can really scare them off if you go off into a rant about how anime is underappreciated and how that person is just ignorant. Hey, there's some things I don't like, too ~ !

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