Originally Posted by chachava
Clearly things work very differently in this part of Japan then... got quite a few friends (who teach english, all ex-nova teachers the poor fools lol) who slept with girls, ditched them then got crying voicemails (or e-mails) from the girls saying they loved them etc.
I don`t see how that rules out anything? I know back when I was in school in the US, there were plenty of girls who would fall head over heels for a guy, threaten suicide and cry to him on the phone for days... But then hop right in bed with the next a week later. Why is this an impossibility in Japan? The only reason I can think of is that you have this strong image of Japanese girls being cute and gullible, and not capable of that sort of thing.
I didn`t say they were calculating girls who didn`t care a thing for the guys. My guess is that they get a thrill out of the new love thing in the beginning of the relationship. I`m sure everyone can think of a girl who loves one guy to death, thinks he`s THE ONE, she`s ready to die for, etc - until the next comes along. Japanese girls are not somehow magically different.