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Arelissa (Offline)
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Red face Japanese Tutor! ^_^;;; - 01-12-2008, 02:46 AM

Hehe... I've been trying to find a Japanese tutor who'll teach me some Japanese... but the ones that I found that cost money.... well... I've already got *counts on fingers* 5 other classes going on (outside school) that my parents really don't think we have THAT much money to spare. But I really want to learn Japanese, so if ANYONE wants to help a bit, that'd be greatly appreciated. If you're Japanese, and want some help in English... I can help you there. Even though English isn't my first language, it's LIKE my first language, and I have no problems helping if need be. So PLEASE reply... someone. THANKS SOO MUCH! I would praise you for the rest of my life! ^_~


~ Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once...
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