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filiadragongurl (Offline)
Japan Extraordinaire
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01-12-2008, 01:24 PM

If you're on a super tight budget, you could also sleep in one of those manga kisaten. I never did, but I hear it's pretty cheap to stay the night at one and you get a couch and there's usually snack bars and of course, all the manga you could ever want! My other recommendation for sleeping arrangements are youth hostels. Even w/out a member card they're pretty cheap.

Oh, I also know an awesome place to stay in Osaka if you decide to go there^_^ This time I *did* stay there and it was the cheapest around and still comfy with super nice staff and little fridges in every room. Oh, and there's free internet access. Anyway, it's called Hotel Raizan and you can look up the details online.

Actually... you can look up hotels in Tokyo online too to try to find one w/ a good price.

Good luck!
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