Originally Posted by Rogozhin
Wow, harsh much? Considering that I did follow the rules up until this point, did it not occur to you that it was a mistake?
Sorry, it did not occur to me that I sounded very harsh. (Also note that I was also addressing IonFortuna.) I just wanted to reestablish the rules of the game... (1000 apologies for sounding like an egocentric idiot & a stickler)
Originally Posted by kireikoori
Umm...no I didn't. I figured out how the game worked, mentioned that and apologized, then responded to his word ending in "I" with "Ippon".
Sorry Kireikoori, but Rogozhin is right when he says that you've ended the game. In shiritori, when someone uses a word ending with "n" the game ends. (again 1000 apologies for sounding like an egocentric idiot...I feel really bad when I lecture ppl, cuz I always sound so pedantic when I'm just trying to help...)
Sorry, I am naturally fussy.
びり biri- last place