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JF Ossan
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01-14-2008, 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by hypekstatic View Post
Okay well I just made the title generic in case other people want to
put in their two cent or ask questions.

Well I actually had a question regarding casual sentences.

When you ask a question it usually ends in "-desu ka" how can you ask
questions without using the proper ending? could you just say "-ka" ?

for example, "anata wa sushi ga suki desu ka?" is it casual to just say,
"anata wa sushi ga suki ka?" or does that not make sense?
my friend told me you could also use, "na no" that is a very improper, casual
way to ask question. "antawa sushi ga suki na no?" but in what variations
can you use "-na no" because i know it doesnt work for every question.
Removing "desu" and just leaving "ka" sounds a very direct, and a little gangster, and shouldn't be used by foreigners unless talking with VERY close friends.

Instead you can say "Sushi ga suki?" and say "suki" with a rising intonation.
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