02-02-2007, 09:26 PM
Here's another...it's old, though...:
"My Sky" written May 2nd, 2006
The sun is a deep black
The sky is blood red
The animals all cry
And the flowers are all dead
Look up into my sky
And tell me what you see
Look into my eyes
And see the real me
I'm holding on to reality
But my grip is not that tight
I want to stop making mistakes
But I can't do anything right
Sometimes I feel so lost
Filled with empty hate
Sometimes I fight against
The thing they all call "fate"
My sky is not blue like yours
Or even a pale grey
My sky is red like my blood
Even as night turns to day
My sky is very fragile
It shatters with the rain
My clouds are soulless emotions
Distraught to death by pain
My sky has never met a jet
Or even a parachute or kite
The air is still and cold
Well after dawn's first light
My sky belongs to no one
And yet I call it mine
It lets me hide when I'm pretending
That everything is fine
I'm trying to find YOUR sky
But mine is all I've found
So why don't you come to me
And see MY sky from MY ground?
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....