02-02-2007, 09:38 PM
Untitled (I haven't come up with a title) written September 17th, 2006
I watch you all the time
I see the lonliness in your eyes
I recognize the pain you feel
I sense your desperate cries
So you must know now
That I'm saving you
I want to stop your tears
And start you all anew
I want to make you smile so
I'll fight away your fears
I want to make your pain leave
And wipe away your tears
I care about you deep in my soul
And you know I always will
Even if it means hating myself
I'll love you even still
When you need someone to tell you
That everything will be alright
And when darkness tries to enter your heart
I'll be there to fight it with my light
And when you need someone to hold you
And gently touch your hair
And let you cry into their shoulders
Know that I'll always be there
Because you need to know
And also need to see
That you life has meaning
Even if you're no with me
For, if you ever died
You know that I'd die, too
My life would be empty
If it did not contain you
My heart beats because of you
And because of you I take a breath
I live only because of you
And without you means my death
So when you're sad and lonely
I will be by your side
I'll eliminate the pain you feel
Even deep inside
So one day you will realize
That you have no more tears
You won't ever be afraid
Because I've fought all of your fears
The only thing that makes me happy
Is your smiling face
I could be anywhere and if
You're there, it's the perfect place
I'll hold you in my arms forever
And listen to your troubles all night through
And when you go to face them
You'll know exactly what to do
I'll tell you that I love you
And with a kiss, close your eyes
Wrapping my arms around you
And melting away the lies
The only wish I have is
That when I say "I love you"
I want to look into your eyes
And hear you say, "I love you, too"
*It's a bit lengthy....is it any good?
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....