02-02-2007, 10:04 PM
"My Shadow" written 10/13/06
Held in captivity
Attached to a world I hate
Trying desperately to get away
But I can't run from my fate
Forced to be my own shadow
I want to break away
Forced to stand beside myself
When I just don't want to stay
The only time I'm a little free
Is in the dark at night
Drowning in the numbness
Until the sun brings light
Then I'm just a shadow once more
Forced to fall behind Her fascade
Crying desperately to let me go
Praying to an unanswering god
All the pain I felt before
Was nothing compared to this
It seems as though I've been chosen
To endure a soul-stealing kiss
Trying to walk the other way
But She always holds on
Til one day when She's all that's me
And I am all that's gone
She is my body; my reality
And I am Her shadow
Forever following her steps
She'll never let me go
She smiles and laughs
When I need to cry
She goes on living
When I need to die
Blinded by the fear of our loss
She just couldn't stand it
Stricken by the reality of their lies
She just didn't understand it
So She seperated herself
From all that was me
She made me into Her shadow
So She could forget who She used to be
But now I'm held in chains
Stuck in a world I hate
Lurking in the darkness
Unable to escape my fate
Good? Bad? Yes? No?
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....