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SakanaMidori (Offline)
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01-15-2008, 05:07 PM

Yeah, my schools like that. We're sister cities with Hino....but I can't go because of the HORRIBLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! timing. (I cried, no joke). But when WE exchange here, we don't actually GO to school, because it's over spring break, and it costs about 2000 dollars, more than I have(or will for quite a few years, I need a job!!)

Anyhoo, join clubs,, Spanish club is going to Peru this year, Theatre is going to NY(in country, but still). Last year Band went to Ireland. It gets you all over the place. And if you actually get a trip you can send out letters to all your distant relatives across the globe asking for small donations(they'll probably give you more than a small donation if they have the money. And be polite about it and what-not. A girl in my math class went to South Africa on that!

'Course, when you're talking about Japan, you may need like $2000 in spending money(at least I would).......

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