This the re-make of my malice mizer tread because something happened to it.
Anyway I was basicly talking about how there has been a change in the lead vocals which was
Tetsu: 1992-1994
Gackt: 1995-1999
klaha: 2000-2001
After Gackt left Kyou kamimura A.K.A former drummer Kami had died of a subarachnoid hemorrhage in 1999 he was only 26-years-old which left many people sad but kami is and always will be in fans hearts.
Many album/cds have been released which are the following below:
Memoire Voyage ~Sans Retour~ Merveilles Shinwa Bara no Seidou
I have most of the songs on these albums
Mana's clothing line can be found here. WARNING: prices are unbelivable
Midi:Nette presents
Malice mizer's offical web
This was fun writing about malice mizer

pray for kami