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SakanaMidori (Offline)
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01-16-2008, 01:02 AM

Rs. That's all that matters.

Welllll....not really.

But it's a biggy!

Like...if I ever met you in person and you we're like...saying Japanese Rs like English ones......or says A's like English ones.

Ah ee OO eh oh

a i u e o

And g's are always hard....

In "shi" and "ji" the i is pretty much silent(not entirely)

Hajmemashte( might as well be...)

U's are always silent unless there are two of them put together.

Or at the beginning of a word.

And r's...r's are Reeaaaaally hard!
(well, it took me a year in an all white environment)

It's a combonation of a d and an l, with a slight hint of an r.

Most books will tell you it's an L. It's not, but it's close.

What I did when I was first learning was Replace the R with a "d" If it came in the middle of a word "Udusai" and make it an "L" if it was at the beggining. "Lappa"

But, really, you place the tip of your tongue on the backside of your top teeth and release hastitly, almost rolling it.


Other than that, I'm pretty sure everything is the same as it is in english.

Wait! Each syllable is clearly pronounced seperately. Not like in english when we make the "a" long and the "e" silent in words like "make."

But in....
"aoi" (blue)

It's "ah-oh-ee"

And it basically follows that....


Irony rules the world."0" alt=
Proud to be a Japanophile--that is, if you know what the word REALLY means.
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