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SakanaMidori (Offline)
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01-16-2008, 01:28 AM

lol! Thanks!^^

It makes me feel all warm inside!

Yeah...erm...if you have Japanese American friends who speak it, you can always ask them.

And television.

I Looove television.

It's so helpful.

They say little phrases all the time!
(I'm talking Japanese here)

Like...if they're gonna eat, they'll say "Itadakimasu!" and you can look at the subtitle and it'll be like "I'm gonna eat now" or "thank you"(depending on context)

Or, if it's an action-y show and someone is found on the ground and someone else comes up and is like "Daijoubu ka?" and in the subtitle, it says "Are you okay/alright?"

Or "Yatta!" ("I/you did it!")

These small phrases are great for learning phrases(which I use all the time) and pronounciation. Because it's singled out as it's own little phrase, you can learn how to say it exactly as a native japanese speaker would.

Like I said, I love terebi!!

Irony rules the world."0" alt=
Proud to be a Japanophile--that is, if you know what the word REALLY means.
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