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ChineseCilk (Offline)
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Location: Memphis, TN
My Mailbox is Lonely, Looking for World Wide Penpals! - 01-16-2008, 01:52 AM


I'm a 14 year old girl looking for a few friends for my mailbox.

My poor mailbox is getting lonely and is currently gathering dust, so I thought it might be good to make some penpal friends to keep it occupied. *u*

I live in the USA, and I welcome everyone to be my penpal, whether they live across the street or across the globe. This just basically means that I'm not just looking for foreign company, I am also looking for other people that I can write to and have a jolly good time, with the permission of my mailbox, of course.

With the world and the internet these days, people like me have to be cautious, so I won't just give my address to anyone who requests me to be their penpal.

I will have to talk with you for a while before I give out my address and decide whether or not I can trust you. Sorry, I'm too cautious...But I feel others can understand my uneasiness...right?

Oh, and to anyone who wants to mail me, my email is [email protected].

Last edited by ChineseCilk : 01-20-2008 at 12:29 AM.
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