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(#117 (permalink))
eitoolover (Offline)
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Thumbs up 01-16-2008, 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by WarumonoKyo View Post
My family and friends have been making fun of me for listening to Dir en Grey. They keep saying stuff like "how can you listen to that stupid jap music? you cant even understand it." then then mock it by trying to imitate a japanese person singing, but they aren't even speaking a real language.

My dad was the worst. But he didn't just get on about the music he was going full on about Pearl harbor and stuff like that.

Finally, yesterday i forced him to listen to my Dir en grey CD on my way home.
And guess what?

He fucking liked it o_o
People need to stop being racist about Japanese music.
And stop underestimating Jrock.
It is good, you just have to give it a chance.

But, he said they sounded like Tool. Who is Tool? D8

Jesus; i cant even put into words how much i agree with you here!
My family has done that now for nearly a year! They go on about me not being able to understand it; yeah so what right now i dont understand ALOT of it.. but i will one day :] They are so racist sometimes i wish i wasn't related to them.

My dad is the worst too; he callls asians the most horrible word; G**k. I think that word is fucking disgusting.

But; you know, who the hell cares what opther people think right? I know it hurts when your family doesnt approive of things you like; but just ignore them, it makes you haoppy yeah? the music i mean :] dont ever let anyoine change your thoughts about what you love.

I laugh, because even though my family mock my taste in music; when i keep playing Kanjani8 or Kat-tun and my other music, they end up humming or singing it later; I grin then say why are you singing my music if you hate it?

My younger sister is into the.. american emo type stuff.. like the full on screaming, which for some reason, i like it better when jrockers do it, they sound GOOD, others dont :] so i tease her too, but we do it in a fun way. Heh.


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