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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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01-19-2008, 08:44 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
LOL, yeah, that was cutting edge technology for the time!

I bought a nice new camera ($200) just before I left for Japan, knowing I'd want a lot of pictures of my life there to send home to friends and family. But I'd never had much experience taking photos before, so a decent percentage of the shots ended up ruined by camera shake, too dark, too bright, etc. Today there are digital cameras where you can see the shot you just took and erase it if it's no good to try again, but back then I had just rolls of film and hopes and prayers that the shot came out ok. I took multiple shots of some important pictures to be sure I got one that was good (still didn't always work out!). But in all, I have well over 700 photos filling 4 albums of my 2 years in Japan... so many fond memories...
Disposable cameras were new then...I have a ton of pics, too (not quite that many) but we were more careful about how we took a picture 10+ years ago. That paper picture will feel very nostalgic in not too many years.
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