Originally Posted by MMM
Let's not have this conversation again. Hostesses are not whores. Whores get paid to have sex. Hostesses, on the other hand, do what they can NOT to have sex with their clients.
(SEMANTICS--ignore if you like)
Correct, but they're still, by dictionary definition, prostitutes.
"to put to any base or unworthy use:
to prostitute one's talents. "
First entry, fifth definition, dictionary.com .
I believe that the 'gratification' of Man's (meaning men and women) desires such as sexual impulses or even for nothing more than some attention from the opposite gender can be called "base", as it is a "base" instinct. (Debatable)
But, ending the semantics, I do also feel that being a host/ess (or a Geisha, once upon a time) is considerably more respectable than being a whore. I mean, at the very least, being a host/ess is not contributing to the spread of STDs, and at the very best is a legitimate form of entertainment for those that truly enjoy discussion and being "hosted" (I guess).