Originally Posted by Kal3ido
Never really thought to much into what if I can not adopt a Japanese child...Basically Im saying, my culture's has alot of flaws, and Im not that intent on my kids learning them. This goes back to my school where Asain"s normally be at the top of there class and how hard they study and also how they are raised. I really admire that over my culture system any day. I'll just have to put a little bit more thought into this =]
It sounds like more than anything, that you need counselling.
Personally, I think culture is nothing to be proud OR ashamed of... but it sounds like you have self-esteem issues relating to your perception of your race/culture, so I'd suggest looking for positive things about African American culture. I know there are plenty of African American heroes and legends out there.
On a side note- I learnt about the Tuskeegee airmen about a year ago. (I'm not American so forgive my ignorance) and I thought that was one of the most amazing stories I've ever heard. The ONLY fighter wing in WW2 to NEVER lose a bomber under escort.... and they were all black top guns! They had to not only prove themselves in the air but tolerate the disgraceful prejudice by some of their comrades and countrymen at the time. Amazing!