Originally Posted by Kal3ido
First time I ever heard I need counselling because I dont think my culture all that great. And blankly, it's full of bull. I should say it's more of the community fault then the culture, again a lot of it has been lost. But when you walk in my shoes, then you tell me if it's so great or not. Yes, we have our famous people who did wonderful things. But in my mind today, the bad is starting to outweigh the good. I was not trying to sterotype anyone, it just came out wrong.
I hate to say it, but I agree somewhat with this. Seriously, seems we're the only race that justifies using a degrading word amongst ourselves. Natsuko (the lady I mentioned earlier) and I were talking about racial stereotypes, and she did say, in Japan (which I already knew anyway) with blacks, it's all thug/rap stuff they get exposure too, so those who like that type of stuff, dresses up in the clothes to emulate what they see on television. I know that's sad, but that's where the parenting comes in. Parents are supposed to instill good values into their kids, regardless of society. I'm "African American" too, as I pointed out. If I have a child, I plan on teaching him/her the necessities in life, not to go by what you see on television and to never be afraid of learning or obtaining a higher knowledge, etc. Regardless of the race of the child, a parent is supposed to do this anyway. Anywho, this sounds more like "society" you're having a problem with, not our (African American) race.
But in this day and age you can pick what traits\genes you want to surpress. That's what I want.
I find this very sad that you want to suppress certain genes because you're ashamed of them. In a way, you sound ashamed to be African American. I can see being embarrassed by some (I watched this reality show today about Snoop Dogg and they went to Germany to a restaurant and I was embarrassed for the way they were acting as both blacks and Americans), but never ashamed.
The only thing I'd consider "suppressing" are genes that can lead to medical conditions. I have an underactive thyroid, slow metabolism, diabetes, and probably PCOS (it's a condition that affects females, which is common), I"d suppress stuff like that as opposed to this other stuff you're implying.
As I stated before, some people believe's it's in your blood the way people act the way they do.
The way people are around you has a lot more to do with it, for the most part. As I said before. If one have parents who don't care or play a role in his/her life, then the child probably won't care about what goes on in it, and "act out".
I never said Japan was the magic making country, but to me there values are pretty high, school system better, kids more respectable.
That's only what the media allows you to see. IMO, they have a really screwed up school system, but I'd still like to witness it first hand from the teacher's side (or in my case, teaching assistant's side). Also, just like
every country you have kids that are respectful and then those who aren't. You have your juvenile delinquents everywhere. It's not like they don't exist in Japan.
As for the other stuff you mentioned, that's just how their society is. That's just how they're raised because when they leave the country, they take the stuff they learned, of that society, with them. I'm sure a Japanese person born and raised in a place like say...England would act more like a person of England as opposed to one of Japan since that's where he/she grew up.
Maybe it's in there blood, maybe it's not.
I really don't think it's in their blood. It's the society and culture. It's just their way. Maybe you should
really consider learning some of the language and
living there for a while so that you can learn something.
Anyways Im already finacially stable, so why not have kids?
I wish I could say that. Here I am, 26, going on 27, and I
still can't afford to move out of my parents' home, which sucks, since I wanted to have at least one child before the age of 30, but at the rate I'm going, I don't think I'll be able to.
I was just going to wait till 25 to live a little, but I dont feel that Im missing much. I would still feel the same way if I felt that Hawaiian/French/Spanish culture was the best. This is just a gateway to help. I once never said that other cultures were not smart.
You're coming across that way, though, so maybe you should reword. Even to me you're saying that African Americans are not intelligent, you want to "suppress" some of your African American "genes" so that the child can be smart.
I know some Asian who have asked me questions, and we both did not know the answears to. I just think they have better priorties, then most races.
That depends on the family.