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Cyasarin (Offline)
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01-21-2008, 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I have to agree with this, too. There isn't an Asian I know that wishes they weren't Asian. However, in some circles, narrow eyes are considered unattractive, while larger, eyes are considered cute. I have also seen black color contacts that are supposed to make your pupils look huge, giving an "anime" look. That, too, has nothing to do with looking like caucasians.
I agree with you both that it might not have to do with not wanting to be Asian and it's more likely that people simply want bigger eyes. My friend has very narrow, squinty, brown eyes and I have these huge, round, blue eyes that just pop and she's always telling me how she wishes that she had my eyes. So, yeah, it might not be that they don't want to look Asian...
But yeah...about the topic. I agree with some other people on here that it's not because Japanese people want to be American and it's more about the style of their art and to show emotions better. I mean, it'd take me a gazillion tries to draw an Asian-looking person with my style and I think it's much easier to show a character's emotions if their eyes are bigger.

+ Summer '08 +
[[cause it's gonna be hot]]
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