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(#170 (permalink))
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Sovereignty (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Australia...Wish: Anime-Paridise
02-03-2007, 12:13 PM

...when you start to worship (practicly) the people who post the anime/manga.
...when you worship the anime/manga writers.. (this must be done anyway...)
...when you have a creepy dream/nightmare and pretend that some big strong anime/manga character is there to protect you/in bed with you and then you are able to go back to bed.
...when you with that you could send in your fiction stories and have them turned into anime/manga
...when someone asks if they can turn your fictional story into a tv show and you decline purely on the fact that they wanted to use real humans and not use animated characters...or when the person want to make it into a cartoon and you regect it because you believe that if it isnt in an anime it would be ruined.
...when you watch NGE with the commentation on... more than once... for all of them
...when your so busy ploting out an anime fanfictions story that you dont have enought time to actualy write it.
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