Originally Posted by Amnell
I just had my first box of Pocky EVAH. It wasn't bad.
Ichigo :P . It was pretty tasty, but, honestly, I think some of you guys have overblown it a bit :P . I dunno, maybe I'd have liked the chocolate or milk flavours better--they had four varieties at the store I found this at. They also had several varieties of marble soda, which my friend was telling me is totally awesome, but I've never seen it before (heard of it, though). It was called "Ramune".
Oddly, this is the same store where I bought my bokken... and also the first 30 Seconds to Mars album and almost bought the Family Guy movie :P . They just happen to have an Otaku Wall, I guess :P . (It's only a record store, for pete's sake XP )
Get the chocolate flavor, it's WAY better, in my opinion. It's not like a milk chocolate, it's like dark chocolate. Verrrry good.
Here's a good online pocky shop, by the way! They have many flavors. I would reccomend, if you were looking for something besides chocolate or strawberry, getting the almond crush flavor. It's VERY good.