Originally Posted by interracialintimacies
Hello Everyone,
I am a PhD candidate in Sociology at a University in Tokyo, researching inter-racial desire and the politics that sometimes comes with it. I am presently looking to interview many people about this topic. Specifically, I am interested in people who feel attraction mainly/exclusively toward Japanese/Asian men/women if they are non-Japanese/Asian, or visa versa. Secondly, I am interested in interviewing people who have thoughts or opinions on this dynamic of attraction.
You may think your case or thoughts are not interesting but I am looking for typical and exceptional people, so don't worry! If you enjoy talking about these things, let's meet and I will even buy you a coffee or a drink Any inquires are also welcome.
Hi I'm a Black-American in a relationship with a Korean/Japanese from Tokyo. While I can't say I'm exclusively attracted to East-Asian men, they do rank number 2 on my attraction meter. This is not my first serious inter-racial relationship with an Asian male, and I do think that I have preference for non-westernized East-Asian men.
If the interview can be done via internet, feel free to PM me.