And here's the last one for today -
02-03-2007, 09:05 PM
Here’s a poem that…well…it’s difficult to explain the feelings this poem represents…it’s a unique feeling; a trademark of Laina and Laina alone. It really has very little to do with love…but love is an easy thing to write about for me. I don’t know why. Honestly, I think love is over-rated, lol…probably because people are so quick to say they love me (except my mom, she hates me, lol and never says I love you unless it’s just to piss me off) but they never really know me when they say that, so I just wave it off and laugh at them when they want me to answer back and I say “Sorry, evil doesn’t love” lol…J
“Just To Hear You Say” written October 26th, 2006
The wind whispering
Through your hair
The once common smile
That now is rare
The words I wish you could hear
The words I wish you could say
The very things I need to feel
The very reason you should stay
Why must you test me
With a wish, a hope, a dream
Why must you torture me
And make me bleed and scream
I torture back--I know it hurts
You come back--you always will
You make me sad--you always did
I make you smile--your breath is still
The moon is glistening
On your hair
The world keeps turning
But no one cares
I own you and always have
As you’ve owned me through your way
Trying not to notice things I do
Just to hear you say
Blood and pain
Love and tears
Hope and passion
Comfort and fears
Why must we do this to ourselves
The hate, the love, and the strain
Why can’t we just be in love
And calm each others’ pain
Yet, the word love does not fit here
It’s only a painful word that implies
“We want to be together”
It’s a word both sides always denies
Holding me in your arms
How can you understand?
You’re breaking both our hearts
Every time you touch my hand
I see it in your eyes-your loving way
But the pain-it always does stay
Say I love you-what must I do
Just to hear you say it, too…?
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....