Originally Posted by jasonbvr
ps~ Eager students, that is like five out of thirty eager to learn English. Maybe fifteen out of thirty are eager to impress upon you how cool they are with four out of those fifteen acting like complete idiots. Then there are about eight out of the thirty that are just completely socially awkward with the other students and even more so with the scary gaijin. Then there are the two out of thirty who seem to think it is totally cool to know zero English, make single digit scores on the tests, and are just happy if you leave them alone in English class. This of course is all at my schools which have some of the best behaved kids in the city.
ESID. Eager students? I think there were five kids in my whole school that were interested in learning English. It worked out though, because my interest in teaching people who weren't interested in learing was about as high as their interest was in learning. But we had to spend that time together, so coming up with creative ways to keep them engaged AND get some English in thier heads (and some truth about life in America) was the new goal...and I think it worked out.