Originally Posted by adina
he's sooo stuborn
but....even though he's not 100%recovered I don't think the others would've let him perform
mean while...I found a pic on shou's blog: "Saga-kun's tension is at its MAX too!!!"

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7
And even more Saga cuteness posted on Nao's blog. XD

awww. *dies*
Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7
That's cause it's not Japanese, it's French.
It means something... I don't remember! Wahh! I learned what that means on Friday! 'Soleil' is like sunny, I think? and 'du' means 'of'. And 'maison', I can't remember. O_O
*goes to google language help*
EDIT: Okay, looked up 'maison', it means 'house', so like 'house of sunshine', I guess? XD
I think "house of sun", cause soleil is sun. If I remember correctly.
Originally Posted by clairebear
I like their English. I think it's very good. But Saga's "berry, berry", which sounds like he's saying r and l at the same time, actually. it's just kinda funny. and yes, I know that's how r's are pronounced in Japanese.