Originally Posted by Quigley
American girls have been dressing like whores for years... The only difference is, they actually ARE whores a lot of the time! Japanese girls definitely seemed MUCH more modest on my trip. The most I got the whole time there was a couple of kisses... And the one girl was Brazillian!
I find that to be a very Naive statment. American girls are not whores, they don't get paid for expect in vagus. The problem with american girls they are open to sexuality witch give them that view, but actual american girls can be quite modest as well,there just highly flirtatious. German women on the other hand to my under standing are very very very very librated sexual lol this is why most porno comes from there. Japanese may look modest and more then likely are not. I don't know this for sure as for what i am reading about japan i don't think they are as modest as they let on the reason more then likely got was a kiss is 2 reasons.
1 They play the flirting game very different in japan there for you have no game. you are in experinced in picking up women there. Now here in american you may have mack daddy skills but there if a different game.
2 Japanese from what i read do not take kindly to outsiders males dateing there daughters hench why you got just a kiss, the girl may have really liked you but it would be stupid for her to persue something she knew would go no where or cause her family problems. out sider women on the other hand more then like get more action because it new viewed as a tabboo.
Also can some one confirm this that prostution is legal all over japan i think not just one palce. It looked down appon but i belive it is legal. I do know there more sexual librated then americans I mean there openly displayed sex districts in towns with love hotels in them and most asian porno i have seen has come from japan.
yes double standerd existe in japan also. It not a perfect place but it would be a fun place to see.