Thread: I Love You
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(#8 (permalink))
kamelreds21 (Offline)
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01-23-2008, 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by Akoni View Post
There is no way you can -not- belive in love. It isnt about hearts and mushy feelings. It's about genuinly caring for someone or something. Attraction and Infatuation are just feelings you get that are instant, love is something much deeper. Sometimes the word "love" is used too loosly to mean you like someone you have an attraction to. That is probably why Asians use the word loosly sometimes or get confused of its usage. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, there is no set definition for love, it's subjective and different for each person, just like happiness. What I should of said is I don't believe in "true love" meaning I don't think people are destined to be together and/or complete each other, I honestly believe some (very few) people get lucky and find a companion that fulfills their desires but the majority of people end up settling for less. If you consider what exactly is a relationship it's just a good/best friend who you are intimate with, I guess you could call that Love but I don't see it as such. And yes I've had relationships, I dated a korean/viet american girl for 4.5 years and what people don't understand is that you can "love" someone one day and meet someone new the next who changes your life forever. Things change, people change.
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