01-24-2008, 07:31 AM
I am 30 and i've been a vegetarian since i was 15. My bloodwork makes any doc go "wow your one one of the healthiest people ive seen".
Although i have often an iron defisiancy but thats something i had allso when i ate meat, some iron suplements help out with that.
Becoming and staying a vegetarian is all about character and not just jumping into it.
Change your diet gradually!
Start with adding 2 or 3 days per week that you eat purely vegetarian foods. It will give you time to adjust and you can figure out what foods you like and where you get them.
The quornburgers from the supermarket may taste like cardboard but the ones from the little shop around the corner may be yummy.
When you feel its going well drop some more foods like chicken and meat. Eat fish on your non vege days.
Then start adding more vege days gradually.
THe whole process might take a year or so but eventually you will get there.
Make sure you also add nuts and do not just eat patotoes with carrots!
Add vegetarian burgers/schnitsels/sausciges/..... they have added things like iron and vitamins to complete your diet.
There are allso vege lasagnas, hotdogs, burgers...so you can enjoy fastfood too! =)
Hope this helps.
PS: Allow me to /facepalm at everyone who goes "i'm a vegetarian but i eat fish/chicken/meat sometimes".
If you do that you are NOT a vegetarian. Vegetarians do not eat ANIMALS, ever. Fishes are animals. Grrrrrrr
Sorry but it really annoys me very much.