Originally Posted by Quigley
OK, fine... I take it back. And I didn't say ALL. I said MANY. I'm in college, and TRUST ME, girls here are DIRTY. I enjoyed Japan because I had to work so much harder, you know? And I agree, being a 6'1" Irish/Italian white guy from the States is going to make it difficult to snag a Japanese love interest.
So, here's the question I'm going to pose. Maybe this will make more of a point with what I'm trying to say - or it could be totally backwards and I'll learn a little something...
By far more than not, my American friends average age of losing their virginity is around 12 to 14. When I was a senior in high school, all of the 8th and 9th grade girls were having sex with the seinors, sometimes even the college guys. This is NOT uncommon, for anyone in the US who wants to disagree. I've lived in three different states and I'm telling you, the trends are always the same.
So, if American girls lose it around 12-14, when do Japanese girls generally lose it? I am going to make a prediction that the age is much higher.
Either way, I apoligize for getting off topic. I just know how slutty college girls like to dress, and I don't have ANY problems with Japanese girls dressing in more revealing clothes... I just think its sending the wrong message in many cases...
And PS: I've got game like you wouldn't believe  . Just wait til I move back to Nippon...
Lol now i never said American girls are not Dirty they just don't get paid for lol They do it for fun. This is how i see it we learn from europe and japanese learns from us. the diffrance between the two i think lies in Japanese Still have strong faimily vaules of repecting your self and your parents. We don't really know when Japanese girls lose there innocents. I am sure it a older age but not for the reason it would be here in the states. factors beening
Japanese boys tend to be shy around girls or not care about them because they are pressured by there faimlies to do good on there test in school they spend more time studing then anything else. Japanese girls are also taughted not to be as aggraisive about pursing boys and let the men come to them.
we can say ones going to be more sluty then the other because they are both taught different things, Amerinca parents don't pay attation to there kids or only pretend to care until something actual happens then they care.
Another thing in The USA there every kind of culture here so the ideas of how to treat sex are different. So kids act on what ever sexual view is popular at the time hench the dirtyness seen.
I am not sure what it like uk and europe and why they are so sexual open but is most plays from what i have read is that there sex is for fun but it also an art form.
the point that it is to hard to compare the them because the lifestyles are way to different in a few years japan maybe come more laxed as USA did and there girls maybe just as dirty as you say. we don't know there are to many factors to determ when a person is going to have sex.
Quigley thanks for the intresting Disccusion I really need it i super borde at work today.
oh yeah and the college guys haveing sex with the under age girls belong in jail because they know what they are doing as the under age people are just doing to because is popular. if the college for some reason did fall for a under age girl he would do the smart thing and wait till she was and adult before doing anything. a for a college guy that a good way to end up dead messing with some one else under age kid. this is why sex offenders like this are housed in different parts of jails because the genral poulation of muders, theifs and even rapist kill them as soon as they find out because these people as sick as they are have a level they won't even touch and that is it.