Hello fellow Japanforumers, as some of you may know I am VesperD.. and I've been planning to holiday in Japan this summer. Me and a group of friends actually, or so i thought.. well 5 of us was initially down for going Tokyo this summer break but so far only 2 out of 5 has come through as being reliable, the other 3.. lets just say they are lucky to even buy a ticket let alone spending money. And even so, there is not knowing what will happen to the reliable 2 from now towards summer.
So i was wondering, IF.. it turns out I really am going alone.. would that really be ok? im in a
dilemma; whether i should stay with my friends this summer or chase my dream of holidaying in Japan this year. I have saved up enough for a ticket which i will be booking this March, and £500.. right now im trying my best to find a Job so i can really spend over in Tokyo.
As you can see my Dilemma is really bugging me out, and im usually not a stressful person.. im chilled on good days.. and on bad days( lets just say i havent had one in a very long while).
I really want to go Japan this year, and then again I don't because I'm really not sure what to expect, its less of a surprise if you are with a companion.. you know what i mean?
That is why i wish to hear your opinions/assurance, or if anyone can share their experience in Japan with me, and anyone in the community wondering the same. Any tips or advice people would like to give to a first time solo flier? What can i expect, how much cash is enough?
I do realise the majority of the JFers havent been Tokyo before, let alone travelling there solo, so on the behalf of the unspoken and people wondering the same; is travelling alone at a young age to a big city really ok? or.. what is is your opinion? Im 16 and living in London by the way.
Sorry for the bombardment of questions, I just want help from the same site that i have come to call home, where i have learnt so many things, and made so many friends. Enlighten me please.
Thank You for Reading, if there are any questions you would like to ask, anything you wish me to clarify, feel free.. please and thank you.