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Yukiyasu (Offline)
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01-25-2008, 10:14 PM

Hmm, I have another question for those of you with greater knowledge then I! I am writing a song and I wanted some Japanese lyrics in there, so I tried to translate the lyrics and it all came out in Japanese, so I tried translating that into romaji...I just need to do a double check. Can anyone tell me if this is correct...if not, please give me a better translation! Arigatou!

私はあなたの表面のその微笑を保つことを何でも、する 。


shimai ,
watashi notamesokoni tsuneni dearu nin dearu .
shimai ,
utsukushi ku , arukotowo kokoromi nai .
shimai ,
sekai niyoriyoi basho wosuru .
shimai ,
watashi haanatano hyoumen nosono bishou wo tamotsu kotowo nande mo , suru .

I'm small, cute, and have really big eyes...please don't hurt me!
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