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noodle (Offline)
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01-26-2008, 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
[The trilogy is entertaining though but there're some major mistakes... most of them are unnoticable unless you watch it in slow-mo, but they're there, like the red car in the scene where Frodo is about to leave the Shire and he and Sam are eating apples or something. Btw, did anyone notice Frodo's nails? o.Ô
Can i ask, How and why do you people do you people do that? Watching a movie in slow mo to find its faults? thats just... ...I don't think people have the right to complain about a film because it had some mistakes in it! Like for example, there was one dude i had this conversation with. He told me he was totally disappointed when in braveheart, there was a scene where william was running with a sword, and then the next second it was an axe. I was thinking to myself, wtf??? why would taht even bother you?

Some good films have been mentioned here. I forgot shawshank, butterfly effect when i mentioned those kinda films... also, for worst movies i'd have to say anything horror. I really hate horror movies, not because they scare me, but because i'm never frightened or jumpy or anything. And the stories are usually boring and rather predictable!
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