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01-26-2008, 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Blood Diamond was also awesome! I used to hate Di Caprio but he totally made that movie excellent.
Yeah, DiCaprio has improved enormously since Titanic His best movies are the ones he's starred in recently like Gangs of New York, Catch Me If You Can, The Departed, Blood Diamond, etc. These are the ones that make him a good actor, not Titanic, Romeo + Juliet or The Basketball Diaries.

Originally Posted by noodle
Can i ask, How and why do you people do you people do that? Watching a movie in slow mo to find its faults? thats just... ...I don't think people have the right to complain about a film because it had some mistakes in it! Like for example, there was one dude i had this conversation with. He told me he was totally disappointed when in braveheart, there was a scene where william was running with a sword, and then the next second it was an axe. I was thinking to myself, wtf??? why would taht even bother you?
I don't watch every single movie in slow-mo to find its faults, but I like reading reviews and then go back to it and analyze it from a more formal perspective. It's not like I'm going to dislike a movie cause it has a lot of mistakes, Gladiator had inaccuracies (it is -or used to be- in the Top 10 of the movies with more mistakes in them, along with Saving Private Ryan, which is one of my all time favorites) and I still enjoyed it.

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