Originally Posted by Suki
I don't watch every single movie in slow-mo to find its faults, but I like reading reviews and then go back to it and analyze it from a more formal perspective. It's not like I'm going to dislike a movie cause it has a lot of mistakes, Gladiator had inaccuracies (it is -or used to be- in the Top 10 of the movies with more mistakes in them, along with Saving Private Ryan, which is one of my all time favorites) and I still enjoyed it.
Whoops! Movie Goofs - Top Goofy Movies
I know that website... that dude i told you about sent me links to it several times...
Ok, fair enough. If you don't change your opinion about a movie because of its mistakes, then thats ok in my books. I just assumed that when you made the remark about its mistakes in the same sentence as its entertainment value, that it affected your judgment!