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xYinniex (Offline)
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01-26-2008, 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
What ignorant comment? lol What does ignorance have to do with preferences? I didn't say that American was "better" than British cause no language can be described as better or worse than another. I just wanted to know why the person who made this thread wanted it to be British, and how does American come from a bad speaking habit? It's an accent, not a habit.
You can also get different accents in english too. But the 'wotah' thing suki? well, not everyone has that accent.

@threadstarter: what type of british english? North. west, south, east, londoner, cornish, geordie, scouse, scottish, welsh, irish, norfolk?

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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