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Kyousuke (Offline)
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01-27-2008, 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by steve88 View Post
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you
igrew up in a house with a brother and two sisters , i cant tell you now IT WAS HELL!!! we get along better but we still fight alot. you cant fix the situation by talking to them and telling them its wrong. them know it is but god gave everyone emotions. we would always fight over everyone. my mom used to say to behave but it didnt really help. but she did do things that brought us together. she spent time with us and had us spend time together. it really helped. my dad helped the situation by giving us our own things. we fought over the tv. he got us a second one. i know what your thinking. im probably spoiled or rich. im neither. we grew up in a ghetto and he found those things in the dumpsters, lol. but nobodies kids are well behaved. everyone has their imperfections. dont say you failed either. their is no such thing as functional and disfunctional. the minute you,ve given up on your children is when failed as a parent.

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