Originally Posted by steve88
I've 3 children, 2 boys and one girl. Their age are, girl 19, boys 15 and 11 years. They don't like each others. They always fight among each on TV channels, computer, car seat arrangement, etc. I've tried my best to harmonies but failed. I admire those family whose children are well behave and closed to each and respect their parent. We failed miserably as parent but that is not what we want. Has anyone got this problem? Could anyone help me how to tackle this issue. Thank you 
I've got a similar problem......
I tried rolling a die with their first name letter on it and then we lost track of it. then I pulled out a handmade calander and wrote who did what on what days and so forth it kinda worked til they forgot to write in it. Then we gave them tickets for t.v., computer, games etc time.....that didn't work. And now all I have to do is glare at them and they settle down at once. But I've never spanked them.
What I did is I set them on schedules for example.....
Like if we're on Monday and the eldest took a shower first then on Tuesday the second takes a shower first and we rotate them. and stuff like that. And they have to tell me what they want to watch. And it does help that they each have their own t.v.'s. And as for car rides. If I'm driving they can't ride "shotgun". If they get out of hand on a channel from the living room I make them turn it off and go watch t.v. in their own rooms. That kinda forces them to come to an agreement since the living room is the only room that has cable..^_^..And as for computer time I use a timer.....1 hour at a time no more and whoever took a shower first that day got to go on the computer first.
As far as punishment goes when they fight I take them one by one and ask what happen and since know how well they behave against each other and I come to my own conclusions as to what really happened. Then I get them together and tell them what I think really happened. They usually say I'm right. Then i make them say I'm sorry to each other.
My kids know that if we were to die they would only have each other to rely on as family. You can't really rely on other relatives or friends. I've seen what close families go through when they don't get along. I've told them that I don't want ours to be like that...It's sad.
But I suggest patience through trial and error....